Weekly News

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March 8, 2021

Christians Sympathy to Paul and Christie Wendt upon the death of their son, Eric Wendt, on Sunday, February 21 in San Antonio. And to James Austin upon the death of his sister Jean Wilder in NY last week.

Chicken Gumbo Take Out Dinner – Sunday, March 28!
The Men’s Club will be cooking for the first time since the pandemic began! Eager to put their culinary skills to work, they are cooking Chicken Gumbo and Garlic Bread for TAKE OUT ONLY - DELIVERIES ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. The recommendation donation is $8 for a 16 ounce container of  gumbo and garlic bread.  PRE-ORDERS are necessary! Sign-up today. When signing up state how many containers you want to pick up. Pick up will be following the Sunday worship service on March, 28 (Palm Sunday).

Easter Lillies - Sign up sheet is in the Narthex and the cost is $18.  You can also call the church office to sign up if you need to.

Easter eggs and candy needed for the annual Easter Egg Hunt! If possible, we would love eggs that already have candy inside to save our volunteers some time. Please drop off supplies no later than Sunday, March 28th.

THANK YOU! Through your generosity $7,200 was donated to Feed Galveston to help provide healthy food for our food insecure neighbors. Feed Galveston packaging event April 24th starting at 9am. This event will be held in the Lyceum of Galveston. Call the church office or email emily@firstlutherangalveston.com to sign up for a 2 hour shift.

Plumbing Supplies St. Philip’s Lutheran Church, Fridley, MN has provided plumbing supplies to help families recover in the aftermath of the freeze. If you or someone you know needs plumbing supplies, contact the Church Office.

New Members Classes  Pastor Rhoades will be gathering those interested in becoming members of First Lutheran for a three session class beginning March 14 following the worship service in the main sanctuary. The sessions will last approximately 1 hour and will be held March 14, 21 and 28. New Members will be received on Easter Sunday (April 4) during the worship service.  If interested please contact Pastor Rhoades or the Church Office.  If you would prefer a virtual setting let us know!

The Evangelism Team are selling yard crosses for $10 each Sunday in the Narthex. The cross is white and has "He is Risen" printed on them.  Be on the lookout for the Evangelism Team selling these in the Narthex.

Lent 2021 Journeying together to Easter, we are exploring that “we have this treasure in clay jars” (2 Corinthians 4:7). Join the journey in worship on Sundays at 10:00 am and Wednesdays at 12 noon or online. Watch for our daily Facebook posts of “clay jars” that God has filled to make a difference in the world!

Bible Time Travel Lesson 7 is now available! Kids from K-6 will enjoy weekly videos that help them dive into the bible stories. Find the videos at: http://www.firstlutherangalveston.com/kids-mission.
Also, click here to see all of our archived Kids Mission videos!
Contact emily@firstlutherangalveston.com for supplies.

Help Our Music Class- Give Us Your Trash! 
Ms. Scheuerman’s Music Class is going back to the music room! Due to social distancing, our class will look and operate much differently. We only have a certain number of instruments and a small amount of time to clean in between classes. We are requesting donations to fill in “alternative” noise makers so we can continue to make music while our “real” instruments are taking a break. 

Want to help? Look for the following objects and consider donating them to Ms. Scheuerman’s classroom: 

-Old Wrenches, Allen Wrenches and Drill Bits (various sizes), metal utensils 

-Old (Clean) plastic or rubber tubing, such as aquarium tubing 

-(Clean) Glass jars with lids 

-Plastic shims or plastic combs 


-Dry Rice and Beans 

-Egg Crate foam or acoustic foam 

-Coffee Cans (with and without lids) 

-Small film containers or small Tupperware containers with lids 

-Plastic Cat Litter containers 

If you would like to donate any of the items listed above, please contact kelseyscheuerman@gmail.com 

Virtual Bible Study – Reading Through Galatians
Join Pastor Rhoades virtually on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm to read through and study Galatians. Please sign up by reaching out to the church office or Pastor Rhoades. Pastor will send you the link and also provide digital materials to assist in the study. Sign up now!

Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am


Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am

You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

Mask Up!
As the pandemic continues to churn in our world, First Lutheran continues to require that masks be worn and kept on during worship services or other events at the church. Those leading worship in chancel will removed their masks while speaking so as to provide clear communication for both those worshipping in person and those on line. Otherwise, everyone is required to keep their mask over their mouth and nose. Please be vigilant and encouraging to one another in observing this for the safety of all. The reality is that case numbers are rising – hopefully we can help lower those numbers and keep things moving.

HOME Holy Communion Package: If you need home communion supplies as you worship virtually, please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Offering  $7971

- In-person: 81
- Virtually Online:
  Lent Wednesday Service: 72 views, Homily: 141 views
  Sunday Worship Service: 208 views
  Sermon: 91 views
  Children's Message: 34 views
  Bible Time Travel
      Lesson 6: 55 views
      Lesson 5: 21 views
      Lesson 4: 33 views
      Lesson 3: 42 views
      Lesson 2: 30 views
      Lesson 1: 136 views
This Week’s Birthdays
Ken Chide 8th
August Schmidt 8th
Grace Carr 9th
Ellis Shook 13th


March 1, 2021

Easter eggs and candy needed for the annual Easter Egg Hunt! If possible, we would love eggs that already have candy inside to save our volunteers some time. Please drop off supplies no later than Sunday, March 28th.

THANK YOU! Through your generosity almost $6,700 was donated to Feed Galveston to help provide healthy food for our food insecure neighbors. A Feed Galveston packaging event is being scheduled – please watch for updates and volunteer opportunities.

Plumbing Supplies St. Philip’s Lutheran Church, Fridley, MN has provided plumbing supplies to help families recover in the aftermath of the freeze. If you or someone you know needs plumbing supplies, contact the Church Office.

New Members Classes  Pastor Rhoades will be gathering those interested in becoming members of First Lutheran for a three session class beginning March 14 following the worship service in the main sanctuary. The sessions will last approximately 1 hour and will be held March 14, 21 and 28. New Members will be received on Easter Sunday (April 4) during the worship service.  If interested please contact Pastor Rhoades or the Church Office.  If you would prefer a virtual setting let us know!

The Evangelism Team are selling yard crosses for $10 each Sunday in the Narthex. The cross is white and has "He is Risen" printed on them.  Be on the lookout for the Evangelism Team selling these in the Narthex.

Lent 2021 Journeying together to Easter, we are exploring that “we have this treasure in clay jars” (2 Corinthians 4:7). Join the journey in worship on Sundays at 10:00 am and Wednesdays at 12 noon or online. Watch for our daily Facebook posts of “clay jars” that God has filled to make a difference in the world!

Bible Time Travel Lesson 6 is now available! Kids from K-6 will enjoy weekly videos that help them dive into the bible stories. Find the videos at: http://www.firstlutherangalveston.com/kids-mission.
Also, click here to see all of our archived Kids Mission videos!
Contact emily@firstlutherangalveston.com for supplies.

Help Our Music Class- Give Us Your Trash! 
Ms. Scheuerman’s Music Class is going back to the music room! Due to social distancing, our class will look and operate much differently. We only have a certain number of instruments and a small amount of time to clean in between classes. We are requesting donations to fill in “alternative” noise makers so we can continue to make music while our “real” instruments are taking a break. 

Want to help? Look for the following objects and consider donating them to Ms. Scheuerman’s classroom: 

-Old Wrenches, Allen Wrenches and Drill Bits (various sizes), metal utensils 

-Old (Clean) plastic or rubber tubing, such as aquarium tubing 

-(Clean) Glass jars with lids 

-Plastic shims or plastic combs 


-Dry Rice and Beans 

-Egg Crate foam or acoustic foam 

-Coffee Cans (with and without lids) 

-Small film containers or small Tupperware containers with lids 

-Plastic Cat Litter containers 

If you would like to donate any of the items listed above, please contact kelseyscheuerman@gmail.com 

Virtual Bible Study – Reading Through Galatians
Join Pastor Rhoades virtually on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm to read through and study Galatians. Please sign up by reaching out to the church office or Pastor Rhoades. Pastor will send you the link and also provide digital materials to assist in the study. Sign up now!

Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am


Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am

You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

Mask Up!
As the pandemic continues to churn in our world, First Lutheran continues to require that masks be worn and kept on during worship services or other events at the church. Those leading worship in chancel will removed their masks while speaking so as to provide clear communication for both those worshipping in person and those on line. Otherwise, everyone is required to keep their mask over their mouth and nose. Please be vigilant and encouraging to one another in observing this for the safety of all. The reality is that case numbers are rising – hopefully we can help lower those numbers and keep things moving.

HOME Holy Communion Package: If you need home communion supplies as you worship virtually, please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Offering  $ 2683
- In-person: 106
- Virtually Online:
  Lent Wednesday Service: 4 views
  Sunday Worship Service: 107 views
  Sermon: 26 views
  Children's Message: 10 views
  Narthex TV Announcements: 37 views
  Bible Time Travel
      Lesson 6: 2 views (to be posted on Facebook this eve)
      Lesson 5: 21 views
      Lesson 4: 33 views
      Lesson 3: 42 views
      Lesson 2: 30 views
      Lesson 1: 136 views
This Week’s Birthdays
Frank Grizzaffi 2nd
Kurt Koopman 3rd
Scott Rice 3rd
Denise Schaper 3rd
Naomi Boysen 5th
Susan Stakes 5th

Noah and Sue Rice 1st
Jeff and Ashley Bishop 2nd
James and Pat Austin 6th

February 28, 2021

THANK YOU to those who helped in donating funds for Feed Galveston. Your generosity means we will be able to provide 50,000 servings of healthy food for our neighbors in need. The winter weather crisis we all just lived through has left many families that were barely making it go over an edge – the need for food has increased. Your support helps to meet the need!

God is our Refuge and Strength – a very present help in trouble.  Where have you seen God over this chaotic week of winter weather?  Perhaps in neighbor helping neighbor?  Perhaps in accepting help from others or offering help to others?  Hopefully the worst is behind us… but in the meantime, if you need assistance please reach out so we can try to connect you with folks to assist.

New Members Classes  Pastor Rhoades will be gathering those interested in becoming members of First Lutheran for a three session class beginning March 14 following the worship service in the main sanctuary. The sessions will last approximately 1 hour and will be held March 14, 21 and 28. New Members will be received on Easter Sunday (April 4) during the worship service.  If interested please contact Pastor Rhoades or the Church Office.  If you would prefer a virtual setting let us know!

The Evangelism Team will be selling yard crosses beginning Ash Wednesday. The cross is white and has "He is Risen" printed on them.  Be on the lookout for the Evangelism Team selling these in the Narthex.

Preparing for Lent You are invited to find a clay pot to place in a special location in your home or work space for the season of Lent. Our theme for Lent 2021 is “We have this treasure in clay jars” (2 Corinthians 4:7) – yet, how often might we feel more like a cracked pot? During Lent we will be exploring how God uses fragile and sometimes broken clay jars to carry the love of God into this world. Each day in Lent a special Facebook post will go out highlighting a “fragile clay jar” that God has used to do amazing things. On Wednesdays in Lent we will focus on specific individuals in the Bible who lived out being fragile clay jars and changed the world.  So too, God has poured such love into you to carry into the world.

Bible Time Travel Lesson 5 is now available! Kids from K-6 will enjoy weekly videos that help them dive into the bible stories. Find the videos at: http://www.firstlutherangalveston.com/kids-mission.

Also, click here to see all of our archived Kids Mission videos!

Contact emily@firstlutherangalveston.com for supplies.

Help Our Music Class- Give Us Your Trash! 
Ms. Scheuerman’s Music Class is going back to the music room! Due to social distancing, our class will look and operate much differently. We only have a certain number of instruments and a small amount of time to clean in between classes. We are requesting donations to fill in “alternative” noise makers so we can continue to make music while our “real” instruments are taking a break. 

Want to help? Look for the following objects and consider donating them to Ms. Scheuerman’s classroom: 

-Old Wrenches, Allen Wrenches and Drill Bits (various sizes), metal utensils 

-Old (Clean) plastic or rubber tubing, such as aquarium tubing 

-(Clean) Glass jars with lids 

-Plastic shims or plastic combs 


-Dry Rice and Beans 

-Egg Crate foam or acoustic foam 

-Coffee Cans (with and without lids) 

-Small film containers or small Tupperware containers with lids 

-Plastic Cat Litter containers 

If you would like to donate any of the items listed above, please contact kelseyscheuerman@gmail.com 

Virtual Bible Study – Reading Through Galatians

Join Pastor Rhoades virtually on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm to read through and study Galatians. Please sign up by reaching out to the church office or Pastor Rhoades. Pastor will send you the link and also provide digital materials to assist in the study. Sign up now!

Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am

Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am

You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

Mask Up!

As the pandemic continues to churn in our world, First Lutheran continues to require that masks be worn and kept on during worship services or other events at the church. Those leading worship in chancel will removed their masks while speaking so as to provide clear communication for both those worshipping in person and those on line. Otherwise, everyone is required to keep their mask over their mouth and nose. Please be vigilant and encouraging to one another in observing this for the safety of all. The reality is that case numbers are rising – hopefully we can help lower those numbers and keep things moving.

HOME Holy Communion Package: As we have entered into a time of observing weekly communion virtually in our homes, you may contact the Church Office to receive a package of wafers for the celebration of Holy Communion. A bag with a month’s supply will be brought out to your car while observing safe practices. Luther reminds us that the sacrament is valid when we trust the promise of Christ in the sacrament. And, as we confess belief in the communion of saints, we trust God’s presence in our virtual gatherings for worship. Please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Offering  $1765 2/21/2021

                $1030 2/14/2021


- In-person: 70

- Virtually Online:

  Ash Wednesday Service: 107 views

  Sunday Worship Service: 89 views

  Sermon: 32 views

  Children's Message: 84 views

  Narthex TV Announcements: 44 views

  Bible Time Travel

      Lesson 5: (To Be Posted on Facebook Tonight)

      Lesson 4: 33 views

      Lesson 3: 42 views

      Lesson 2: 30 views

      Lesson 1: 136 views

This Week’s Birthdays

Jeanie Doreck 16th

Cindy Agrella 17th

Cathy Carter 18th

Natalie Henson 19th

Nataliya Negrini 19th

Chris Norberg 21st

Renee Rice 21st

Liz Aguirre 23rd

Jamie Coles 25th

Kathy Zimmerman 26th

John Stewart 27th

Bobby Stockfleth 27th

Joe Henderson 28th

Janice Schaper 28th


Jim and Laura Lewis 15th

Jack and Liz Bennett 18th

Joe and Shirley Byers 25th

Eddie and Linda Miranda 26th

February 7. 2021

New Members Classes  Pastor Rhoades will be gathering those interested in becoming members of First Lutheran for a three session class beginning March 14 following the worship service in the main sanctuary. The sessions will last approximately 1 hour and will be held March 14, 21 and 28. New Members will be received on Easter Sunday (April 4) during the worship service.  If interested please contact Pastor Rhoades or the Church Office.  If you would prefer a virtual setting let us know!

Ash Wednesday – February 17 Plan now to observe Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, either in person or virtually. Worship gatherings will occur at 12 noon and 6:30 pm. Because of COVID-19, we will not be using actual ashes (there is no safe way of imposing ashes in a pandemic), we have created a special sticker in place of the ashes for 2021. This sticker can be worn on Ash Wednesday then placed in a prominent location for the remainder of Lent as a daily reminder. If you are not able to attend in person on Ash Wednesday the sticker can be picked up in the Church Office or mailed to you. Please call the Church Office to arrange for this opportunity. Deadline for mailing stickers is February 12th so that they are delivered in time for Ash Wednesday.

The Evangelism Team will be selling yard crosses beginning Ash Wednesday. The cross is white and has "He is Risen" printed on them.  Be on the lookout for the Evangelism Team selling these in the Narthex.
Preparing for Lent You are invited to find a clay pot to place in a special location in your home or work space for the season of Lent. Our theme for Lent 2021 is “We have this treasure in clay jars” (2 Corinthians 4:7) – yet, how often might we feel more like a cracked pot? During Lent we will be exploring how God uses fragile and sometimes broken clay jars to carry the love of God into this world. Each day in Lent a special Facebook post will go out highlighting a “fragile clay jar” that God has used to do amazing things. On Wednesdays in Lent we will focus on specific individuals in the Bible who lived out being fragile clay jars and changed the world.  So too, God has poured such love into you to carry into the world.

Bach Society Concert will be at 3:30pm on February 20, 2021.The concert is open to the public. A free will offering of $5-$10 will be appreciated.

Bible Time Travel Lesson 3 is now available! Kids from K-6 will enjoy weekly videos that help them dive into the bible stories. Find the videos at: http://www.firstlutherangalveston.com/kids-mission.
Also, click here to see all of our archived Kids Mission videos!
Contact emily@firstlutherangalveston.com for supplies.

The Mission Team Our Coat, Blanket and Socks Drive continues through February 12th. We will have a box in the hall by the Main Office. These will be given to Christus Daily Bread to help those who are less fortunate or those going through hard times right now. We are taking new or nice, clean used items so this is a good time to clean out your closets!!

Virtual Bible Study – Reading Through Galatians
Join Pastor Rhoades virtually on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm to read through and study Galatians. Please sign up by reaching out to the church office or Pastor Rhoades. Pastor will send you the link and also provide digital materials to assist in the study. Sign up now!


Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am


Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am


You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

Mask Up!
As the pandemic continues to churn in our world, First Lutheran continues to require that masks be worn and kept on during worship services or other events at the church. Those leading worship in chancel will removed their masks while speaking so as to provide clear communication for both those worshipping in person and those on line. Otherwise, everyone is required to keep their mask over their mouth and nose. Please be vigilant and encouraging to one another in observing this for the safety of all. The reality is that case numbers are rising – hopefully we can help lower those numbers and keep things moving.

HOME Holy Communion Package: As we have entered into a time of observing weekly communion virtually in our homes, you may contact the Church Office to receive a package of wafers for the celebration of Holy Communion. A bag with a month’s supply will be brought out to your car while observing safe practices. Luther reminds us that the sacrament is valid when we trust the promise of Christ in the sacrament. And, as we confess belief in the communion of saints, we trust God’s presence in our virtual gatherings for worship. Please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Offering  $9114




Virtually Online:

  Worship Service: 130 views

  Sermon: 74 views

  Children's Message:  28 views


 Bible Time Travel

      Lesson 3: 21 views

      Lesson 2: 27 views

      Lesson 1: 131 views


This Week’s Birthdays

Lisa Johnson 8th

Adam Palmer 9th

Amy Rutledge 10th

Becky Wyman 15th


Jack and Lynn Gallo 12th

Jim and Laura Lewis 15th

February 1, 2021

Open Church and Holy Communion -The main sanctuary will be open for prayer from 2:00 – 3:00 pm on Wednesday , February 3. At 3:00 pm, Pastor Rhoades will offer a simple service of Holy Communion.

Ash Wednesday – February 17 Plan now to observe Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, either in person or virtually. Worship gatherings will occur at 12 noon and 6:30 pm. Because of COVID-19, we will not be using actual ashes (there is no safe way of imposing ashes in a pandemic), we have created a special sticker in place of the ashes for 2021. This sticker can be worn on Ash Wednesday then placed in a prominent location for the remainder of Lent as a daily reminder. If you are not able to attend in person on Ash Wednesday the sticker can be picked up in the Church Office or mailed to you. Please call the Church Office to arrange for this opportunity.
Preparing for Lent You are invited to find a clay pot to place in a special location in your home or work space for the season of Lent. Our theme for Lent 2021 is “We have this treasure in clay jars” (2 Corinthians 4:7) – yet, how often might we feel more like a cracked pot? During Lent we will be exploring how God uses fragile and sometimes broken clay jars to carry the love of God into this world. Each day in Lent a special Facebook post will go out highlighting a “fragile clay jar” that God has used to do amazing things. On Wednesdays in Lent we will focus on specific individuals in the Bible who lived out being fragile clay jars and changed the world.  So too, God has poured such love into you to carry into the world.

Bach Society Concert will be at 3:30pm on February 20, 2021.The concert is open to the public. A free will offering of $5-$10 will be appreciated.  This concert will feature violist, Matthew Carrington.

Bible Time Travel Lesson 2 is now available! Kids from K-6 will enjoy weekly videos that help them dive into the bible stories. Find the videos at: http://www.firstlutherangalveston.com/kids-mission.
Also, click here to see all of our archived Kids Mission videos!
Contact emily@firstlutherangalveston.com for supplies.

The Mission Team Our Coat, Blanket and Socks Drive continues through February 12th. We will have a box in the hall by the Main Office. These will be given to Christus Daily Bread to help those who are less fortunate or those going through hard times right now. We are taking new or nice, clean used items so this is a good time to clean out your closets!!

Virtual Bible Study – Reading Through Amos
Join Pastor Rhoades virtually on Tuesday evenings to read through and study the Old Testament prophet Amos. The study includes study notes and conversation as to what God is saying through the prophet and what it means today for God’s people. Please sign-up to be included in the study!  Participants will receive the notes via email and an invite to the weekly online gathering. Sign up now! 

Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am

Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am

You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

Mask Up!
As the pandemic continues to churn in our world, First Lutheran continues to require that masks be worn and kept on during worship services or other events at the church. Those leading worship in chancel will removed their masks while speaking so as to provide clear communication for both those worshipping in person and those on line. Otherwise, everyone is required to keep their mask over their mouth and nose. Please be vigilant and encouraging to one another in observing this for the safety of all. The reality is that case numbers are rising – hopefully we can help lower those numbers and keep things moving.

HOME Holy Communion Package: As we have entered into a time of observing weekly communion virtually in our homes, you may contact the Church Office to receive a package of wafers for the celebration of Holy Communion. A bag with a month’s supply will be brought out to your car while observing safe practices. Luther reminds us that the sacrament is valid when we trust the promise of Christ in the sacrament. And, as we confess belief in the communion of saints, we trust God’s presence in our virtual gatherings for worship. Please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Offering  $2916




Virtually Online:

  Worship Service: 165 views

  Sermon: 4 views

  Children's Message: 23 views


 Bible Time Travel

      Lesson 2: 12 views

      Lesson 1: 127 views


This Week’s Birthdays

Carlie Plain 1st

Kelsie Plain 1st

Henry Wulf 1st

Sidney Prets 2nd

Ava Gerald 3rd

Rick Watkins 3rd

Jack Bennett 5th


January 25, 2021

Bible Time Travel has kicked off! Kids from K-6 will enjoy weekly videos that help them dive into the bible stories. Find the videos at: http://www.firstlutherangalveston.com/kids-mission.
Also, click here to see all of our archived Kids Mission videos!
Contact emily@firstlutherangalveston.com for supplies.

Christian Sympathy to Jeanie Doreck upon the death of husband Herbie Doreck on Monday morning. The visitation and funeral service is tentatively set for Friday morning at First Lutheran.

The Mission Team is going to have our Coat, Blanket and Socks Drive through February 12th. We will have a box in the hall by the Main Office. These will be given to Christus Daily Bread to help those who are less fortunate or those going through hard times right now. We are taking new or nice, clean used items so this is a good time to clean out your closets!!

Virtual Bible Study – Reading Through Amos
Join Pastor Rhoades virtually on Tuesday evenings to read through and study the Old Testament prophet Amos. The study includes study notes and conversation as to what God is saying through the prophet and what it means today for God’s people. Please sign-up to be included in the study!  Participants will receive the notes via email and an invite to the weekly online gathering. Sign up now!

Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am

Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am

You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

Mask Up!
As the pandemic continues to churn in our world, First Lutheran continues to require that masks be worn and kept on during worship services or other events at the church. Those leading worship in chancel will removed their masks while speaking so as to provide clear communication for both those worshipping in person and those on line. Otherwise, everyone is required to keep their mask over their mouth and nose. Please be vigilant and encouraging to one another in observing this for the safety of all. The reality is that case numbers are rising – hopefully we can help lower those numbers and keep things moving.

HOME Holy Communion Package: As we have entered into a time of observing weekly communion virtually in our homes, you may contact the Church Office to receive a package of wafers for the celebration of Holy Communion. A bag with a month’s supply will be brought out to your car while observing safe practices. Luther reminds us that the sacrament is valid when we trust the promise of Christ in the sacrament. And, as we confess belief in the communion of saints, we trust God’s presence in our virtual gatherings for worship. Please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Offering  $4126




Virtually Online:

  Worship Service: 182 views

  Sermon: 65 views

  Children's Message: 185 views

  Bible Time Travel: 35 views

This Week’s Birthdays

Tiffany Boysen 25th

John Schmidt 25th

Kay Fritz Stafford 27th

Sherry Black 28th

Bill Graefe 28th

Ruby Wulf 28th

Falyn Cruz 30th

Lynn Gallo 30th

Brooke Hopkins 30th

Caroline Boysen 31st

James Tetley 31st



January 18, 2021

 Family Sunday will be January 24th at 11am (right after worship ends). This group is for families with children from Pre-K to 6 grade. It will gather in-person (fellowship hall) and virtually. This month, the group will kick off a new round of virtual Faith Formation lessons: Bible Time Travel. Please RSVP to emily@firstlutherangalveston.com by Jan 17.

The Mission Team is going to have our Coat, Blanket and Socks Drive starting January 8th through February 12th. We will have a box in the hall by the Main Office. These will be given to Christus Daily Bread to help those who are less fortunate or those going through hard times right now. We are taking new or nice, clean used items so this is a good time to clean out your closets!!

Virtual Bible Study – Reading Through Amos
Join Pastor Rhoades virtually on Tuesday evenings begins TODAY, to read through and study the Old Testament prophet Amos. The study includes study notes and conversation as to what God is saying through the prophet and what it means today for God’s people. Please sign-up to be included in the study!  Participants will receive the notes via email and an invite to the weekly online gathering. Sign up now!


Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am


Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am



You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

Mask Up!
As the pandemic continues to churn in our world, First Lutheran continues to require that masks be worn and kept on during worship services or other events at the church. Those leading worship in chancel will removed their masks while speaking so as to provide clear communication for both those worshipping in person and those on line. Otherwise, everyone is required to keep their mask over their mouth and nose. Please be vigilant and encouraging to one another in observing this for the safety of all. The reality is that case numbers are rising – hopefully we can help lower those numbers and keep things moving.

HOME Holy Communion Package: As we have entered into a time of observing weekly communion virtually in our homes, you may contact the Church Office to receive a package of wafers for the celebration of Holy Communion. A bag with a month’s supply will be brought out to your car while observing safe practices. Luther reminds us that the sacrament is valid when we trust the promise of Christ in the sacrament. And, as we confess belief in the communion of saints, we trust God’s presence in our virtual gatherings for worship. Please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Offering  $4755





Virtually Online:

  Worship Service: 179 views

  Annual Meeting: 111 views

  Sermon: 68 views

  Children's Message: 36 views


This Week’s Birthdays

Mario Ceccacci 18th

Bret Rutledge 19th

Rob Holland 20th


Jimmy Fundling 21st

Louise Miller 21st

Robby Boysen 22nd

Dylan Schultz 23rd  

Diana Chide 24th

Albert Choate 24th

Colten Gerald 24th


Berto and Barbara Hernandez 18th

Christopher and Debbie Hopkins 20th
