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Do We Really Want The Kingdom to Come?

As christians, we are called to Iive in God’s kingdom that He freely wants to give. But, the kingdom of God is radically different than any worldly, man-made kingdom of power. When we pray the Lord’s prayer, we say the words “Thy kingdom come.”, but those words imply that we open our hearts and minds to live out or daily lives the way Jesus showed us. And Jesus said if we want to follow Him, we must take up our cross. So we are called INTO the struggle to live the love of God. Look at what is happening in your neighborhoods and see how you can help bring the kingdom of God into existence.

Trinity Sunday: Live Into Being Loved By God


Pentecostal Sunday: In God's Image


Counterintuitive Faith

Christian faith is not meant to be lived out in a comfortable, private silo. Rather we are called to go into the real trenches of living the resurrected life in union with God in our lives. What we do in our lives is the witness of our faith, and as we exercise our faith, we grow! (CC - Close Captioned)

Are We Listening?

God is not some historical character who once did the great things we read about in the Bible. Working through the Holy Spirit everywhere where believers allow it, God is truly an interactive presence that continually calls us to do more. He calls us to the depth and the freedom and the joys of life. We are to help bring justice and peace, to spread His grace to the ends of the earth. Where is the Holy Spirit leading you right now?


5th Sunday After Easter

Listen to the Holy Spirit - In every generation since Christianity began, our human sinfulness has put up barriers to the Gospel. In the reading of Book of Acts we are reminded twice that Christians are to go into every area, every neighborhood and spread the good news of love, mercy, grace and salvation through Jesus Christ. When we pray, let us not just talk to God, but truly listen to the Holy Spirit and understand where we are to go and help spread this wonderful truth of God's love for all people.


4th Sunday After Easter

